Friday, December 7, 2007


Hello my name is Natasha Simon. This blog was designed to show you what I am all about. With the help of this blog you will be able to view my journey thus far and what keeps me driven. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Educational Philosophy

I aspire to become a teacher because I believe teachers help shape the future. Their knowledge and experience help teach the world's future leaders.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sample Lesson 1

This project is intended for students in High School. Task - The students will create a film showing what they think there future holds. The purpose for this project is to get the students thinking about their futures. They can decide what direction they want their film to go in. Process - 1. Students will work in groups of two. 2. Each student will write a paragraph briefly discussing what there film will be about. This should be handed to me (the teacher) at the end of the class period. 3. Each student will be shown how to use the video camera. 4. After that day’s lesson the students are to start planning their films at home. The film must include three different scenes and they all must have dialog. They must have one scene that shows what career path they chose and they must have one scene that shows them in their home environment. It is up to them to decide if they want a family or not. The third scene can be used to tie up any loose ends that the film may have. 5. The students will work in groups of two to film their work. One students will film while another will perform. Then they will switch. 6.. After the films have been shot the students will begin the editing process. 7. For the editing portion of the project the students will work in groups of four. This will help the students get different perspectives on how the film should look. *** - Along with the film they students will have to keep a log of their work. The log will include any ideas they had for the film (even if they weren’t used). They must state in the log one idea they liked that was presented to them from another student during the editing process. They must also list all the props they used and have the script written out. The log will be looked at daily to see the progress of each student. Presentation - The students will have a party day. That day each student will come up and show their to the other students. Each student will have to record the film and the student who made it. For each film the students will have to write one thing that could have been changed to improve the film and one thing they really liked about each film.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sample Lesson 2

This lesson is for students at the second grade level. They will be learning American currency in coins. Objective- With the use of the smart board the students will learn the value and appearance of the Quarter, Dime, Nickel, and Penny. Ÿ Each student will receive one of each coin at his/her desk. They will be able to feel and see the differences of each coin. Ÿ Using the smart board I will bring up the website, This website will show the coin by itself with a description of each coin. It also shows how each coin relates to each other. (Ex: how many pennies are in a nickel) Ÿ In addition I will also use the website, This website provides a tutorial on learning coins. I will call on students to come up and use the smart board during the tutorial. This tutorial will assist in teaching the students the coin value and how each coin is counted. Conclusion- To test the effectiveness of the smart board lesson I will give the students a quiz. The quiz will have pictures of each coin and of the worth of that coin. I will also test the students of what coins can they use to equal the value of another coin. (Ex: what coins would you use to equal the value of a quarter. They would have to know the value of each coin to do that.)